Academic Study and Continuing Education

Colleges, universities, and other academic institutions are increasingly finding that travel seminars and study tours are an integral component to a complete educational experience.

Engagement with other cultures, languages, artistic and architectural masterpieces, and historical sites deepens and broadens one’s humanity, helps to give greater definition to one’s own cultural and historical particularity, and prepares one to participate in the world community.
Short intensive study tours serve traditional age students as well as graduate students, adult learners, and those in professional educational programs (such as theology and ministry, architecture, management, and political science and foreign policy).
illume Resources Include:
Resident scholar who supports thoughtful and customized program development
Facilitation of special requests and visits to restricted sites
Local professional tour managers
Local expert guides
Art and Architecture
Explore the Innovative Genius of the Great Artistic and Architectural Masterpieces of Europe and the Middle East
History and Political Science
Make Historical and Political Events Come to Life in Their Settings
Continuing Education
Create Inspiring and Impactful Continuing Education Events in International Locations